Why carry a pocketknife? Reason no. 10: Do you have some balloons tied to a chair but you need them untied? You need a knife.
Author: Adam
Why a Pocketknife? #11
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 11: Chestnuts, roasted on an open fire, are better when opened with a pocketknife.
Why a Pocketknife? #12
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 12: Sometimes a bottle of glue gets stopped up and you need a tool to remove the dried glue on the tip.
Why a Pocketknife? #13
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 13: Those who purchase bundled firewood can de-bundle it quickly with a sharp knife.
Why a Pocketknife? #14
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 14: You never know when you may come across a refrigerator with a cheap padlock on it.
Why a Pocketknife? #15
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 15: When putting up the Christmas lights, you need a tool to pull out the broken and burnt out bulbs.
Why a Pocketknife? #16
ObservationsWhy carry a pocketknife? Reason No. 16: If you buy a new pocketknife, you probably will need your current knife to open the package.
Why a Handkerchief? #35
ObservationsWhy carry a handkerchief? Reason No. 35: Sometimes a hug from your sister gets a bit of lipstick on your shirt, but you can remove it with your hanky.
Week of the Superfecta
AdventuresLast week, the Misters P scored a Wisconsin whitetail archery superfecta.
On Monday, E was thrilled to harvest a fine 9-pointer. He was sitting in the stand all day, and was planning to do the same all week long. At 10 a.m., he saw a nice buck, out of range. At 2 p.m. he had just finished his book when he saw a fine specimen walking in. He repeated to himself, “keep it low, keep it low,” released the arrow into the deer’s vitals at 15 yards, and watched the buck run 50 yards and then expire.
On Thursday, L walked out to the same stand. It has been a wet summer, so he was wearing waders to go through the marsh. Furthermore, it has been a warm fall, so after he climbed into the stand he was awfully hot and took off his waders and pants; he claims he still had shorts on. As the evening progressed, he cooled down and decided to put his pants on. He got one foot into his pants when a beautiful 8-pointer walked up the same trail as E’s buck and stopped on the same spot. He didn’t have time to don pants or remove them, only time to shoot. So this was the first deer he harvested while not wearing pants.
On Friday, we ate dinner together, and I joked with both of them, “I feel like you’re putting a lot of pressure on me!” On Saturday, however, we had some work to do on the farm, so we finished it up and I was able to get out to the stand early. I sat in a different stand, one that is not often used, and I think underrated. Just as L predicted, I heard a big one coming out of the marsh – 150 yards to my left and walking straight towards TJ. I was sure TJ would get him and as it turned out, TJ had him in the crossbow scope at 40 yards but behind a tree. Twenty minutes later, the buck walked up behind me and directly under my right side. My heart instantly went from 50 to 130 bpm. He was three yards away and walking pretty fast. Clearing the branches he immediately turned away from me, giving me my chance to turn and draw, but he kept walking straight away. I had no shot. Twice he turned slightly, but turned right back. Shifting right at 30 yards, he stayed on course. I released the arrow and immediately saw the entry wound open up. I was certain the shot was too high and too far back, but he ran 50-yards and tipped over. Upon further review, it was a perfect shot. The broadhead laid open liver, lungs, heart, and a 2-inch exit wound right behind the front left leg. He had 9 points and a rare 21-inch spread.
This was my first deer with the Matthews Creed I bought this summer. I had complete confidence in the bow, and I now have great confidence in the Grim Reaper broadheads. They made a quick clean kill.
Now, all week B was insisting that he was going to take a deer, that now was his time, that he would not be outdone. Saturday evening he was hunting with the other grandpa, BB. Five minutes after I found my deer, he rang to say that he had just taken a button buck with a crossbow. The deer walked past him and he misjudged the distance and shot low. A half-hour later the deer circled back around and B send the bolt home. At age 14, he has harvested a deer every year since his second year hunting and with multiple weapons too — crossbow, muzzle-loader, and rifle.
Good work men. I believe this is the most memorable week of hunting I have had.
Why a Handkerchief? #36
ObservationsWhy carry a handkerchief? Reason No. 36: You may have to dry your bleacher seat.