Generational Deja Vu


Thumbing through some old photographs, I saw one that reminded me of a picture from my childhood, so I fired off an epistle to Mom and in short order I had a digital copy of the original.  Both of these pictures were taken at Bay Beach, Green Bay.  One was taken  of me and my son, ten years ago; the other was taken of me and my dad, 35 years ago.

Stuff 4-Year-Olds Do

Family, Photographs

When you have not had any 3 or 4 year old children in a few years, and the ones you have had were all boys, you are delightfully surprised by the things they do.




Bs-First Program


Today, I am bragging about B.  He expressed a strong desire to learn to program, so I dug up and installed Microsoft Small Basic.  It looks like a sweet little IDE for kids.  Every programmer’s first ever program, and often his first a new language, must simply print the message “Hello World.”  Some even consider it bad luck to do otherwise.  So it was an occasion to be remembered, yeah celebrated, when he ran his own first program and showed me “Hello World.”  Now into his second day, he is learning to draw with the turtle, just like I did.  He has a few years head start.